Author Archives: Louise Savoie

Community Mental Health (CMH)

How Does Peer Pressure Affect a Teen’s Mental Health?

0.0 00 Many teens strive for independence, some wishing to break away from their parents, and others seeking validation from their friends. But in reality, a teenager’s brain is still developing, and one skill that they still need to develop is...

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Community Mental Health (CMH)

How Mental Health Issues Affect Your Daily Life

0.0 00 A person’s mental state affects most — if not all — aspects of their life. Having a mental condition can have an impact on their way of thinking, behavior patterns, relationships, and performance at work or in school. Nowadays, peopl...

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Community Mental Health (CMH)

How to Cope with Work-Related Stress as per Experts

0.0 00 Stress is practically part of everyone’s work life. Sources of stress at work range from low salary, having excessive workloads or not having control over job-related decisions, little to no opportunity to advance in your career, and lack of...

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Community Mental Health (CMH)

Simple and Fun Activities That Help Improve Your Mood

0.0 00 Your mood is connected to your mental health. If you are having issues with your mental health and wellness, it impacts many aspects of your daily life, especially your mood. There are many fun activities that you can do at home to help improv...

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Community Mental Health (CMH)

Mental Health Matters: Children Can Get Affected Too!

0.0 00 Children’s brains are still developing, and they need to have good mental health to achieve optimal mental development. Having issues with their mental health in early childhood can have an impact on various areas of their lives as they ...

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Community Mental Health (CMH)

Why Mental Health Matters to Every Child

0.0 00 Childhood years are some of the most important milestones in a child’s life. During this time, they get to learn a lot of things that matter to their daily life, such as the importance of making friends, studying, helping with house chores, ...

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