Depression is real, it can cause substantial damage if not properly managed. Although depression makes one feel hopeless, most depression even the severest of them can be treated. If you or your someone you know has depression professional care is hi...
Read More ›Sadness is a normal human emotion that many can attest to having experienced at some point in their lives. Sadness can come from a number of different circumstances that are normal in humans. Some of these events include heartbreak, failing an exam, ...
Read More ›Borderline personality disorder affects an individual’s feelings, behaviors, and relationships. It can be accompanied by anger, depression, and anxiety that may last for days. Borderline personality disorder is now more manageable thanks to new evi...
Read More ›Have you met that person or have that friend that goes from zero to one hundred within a minute? They can go from being happy to sad to happy to angry and then back. Most people will call the person a “drama queen”. Although, there may be some pe...
Read More ›Anger is a normal human emotion that is not often very pleasant. It happens when something unpleasant happens to us. It can come as a fleeting annoyance or rage. According to anger specialist Charles Spielberger PhD, anger is “an emotional state th...
Read More ›Have you ever seen the man or woman having road rage and thought “he needs Anger management”? Anger is a normal human emotion that can be easily controlled by most people. Some peoples are not able to freely control this emotion. Sadly, a...
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