Everyone wants to be happy, but most people do not understand the definition of happiness or how to go about being happy. There are so many questions on what actually makes one happy. Some people believe that if they had a lot of money, they would be...
Read More ›The love of music is a passion that most humans possess. Music can be found in the history of literally all human culture. Although there may be little differences from culture to culture such as instruments, tone, style, language, etc. More develope...
Read More ›It is fairly common in our society today to talk about being stressed. This happens without a full understanding of what the word stress means. Stress to put is simple is how your brain and body respond to a demand or stressor. The demand may come fr...
Read More ›Perhaps you have heard stories of people who attempted to or succeeded in committing suicide. Suicide is real and even though it is not fully discussed in our society, it happens all around us. September 8th to the 11th is deemed suicide prevention w...
Read More ›Have you ever had to wait for exam results or waiting for the train to arrive while running late for work? Then you have experienced anxiety. Anxiety happens to everyone now and then and it is a normal human emotion. Anxiety can become pathologic...
Read More ›Yoga has a beginning in Northern India by the Indus-Saravati civilization more than 5000 years ago. the modern-day Yoga is what we are familiar with and will be discussing. The modern Yoga started in the late 1800 and early 1900s after the yoga mas...
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